Could this be the next step for you?

What’s the point of writing a book? How could it benefit you and your business? What could it contribute to clients, colleagues and the world?


What to consider when planning your book in terms of audience, structure, style, format, and commercial factors such as market position. Will you tackle it independently or work with a ghost writer or collaborator?

Process and Productivity

How to map out the different stages of research, drafting, editing, rewriting, design, etc. And how to maintain motivation and deal with obstacles such as procrastination and perfectionism.


What are the various ways to get your book published and how to decide what’s best for you, including the pros and cons of self-publishing and other hybrid models.


What are the different ways to launch your book, online or in person, and to create PR opportunities before and after publication. And how to leverage publicity about your book to not only maximise sales but also to develop your business.

Juliet Landau-Pope

Juliet Landau-Pope

JLP Coach

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