12 Aug 2024

Making your new property feel like home

5 minute read

Moving can be a whirlwind of excitement and chaos, but with a little planning and a few thoughtful touches, you can quickly turn your new place into a space that truly feels like home.

APDO member Julia Jamieson shares her favourite tips on ways to transform your new property into a warm, inviting haven. Once the removal vans have driven off, Julia's tips will help make your new property really feel like home.

Setting the Scene
Tip 1: Unpack Essentials First 
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Before diving into the sea of boxes, set aside a "first-night" box packed with essentials. Think of it as your survival kit for the first 24 hours. Include items like toiletries, basic kitchen supplies, bedding, a change of clothes, and your favourite pyjamas. Oh, and don’t forget about items that may be needed for the elderly, young children or pets! These may include special food items, medications etc. Having these necessities at your fingertips will help you settle in without the stress of hunting through boxes. To save time and energy, it’s also a great idea to pick up a pack of disposable cups and plates for that first night.

A little pro tip: throw in a small toolkit with basic tools like a screwdriver, scissors, and a utility knife. You never know when you might need them!

Breaking Down the Spaces
Tip 2: Prioritise High-Use Areas 

Start by organising the high-use areas of your home first, such as the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. Setting up these key areas quickly will establish a functional living environment and avoid the frustration of searching for essentials. Prioritise the bedrooms first, ensuring the beds are made before doing anything else. This way, when you’re exhausted, you can easily crawl into bed and leave the rest for the next day.

In the kitchen, unpack cookware, utensils, and everyday dishes, and set up your coffee maker and toaster to maintain your morning routine. For the bathroom, stock it with towels, toiletries, and a shower curtain, so it's ready to use.

Tip 3: Create a Workable Plan 
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A room-by-room plan will help you stay organised and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Start by listing all the rooms in your new home and prioritise them based on daily usage and necessity. Look at the traffic flow around the house and how you use the room. Make sure to leave enough space between furniture items for people to freely move around them. Use checklists to keep track of what needs to be done in each room, and set achievable daily goals to maintain steady progress without burning out.

Tip 4: Tackle One Room at a Time 

One of the most effective ways to stay organised and reduce stress is to focus on one room at a time. Start with smaller rooms or areas that can be completed quickly, giving you a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue. Complete each room before moving on to the next. 

Stress-Free Organisation
Tip 5: Declutter as You Go 

Moving is the perfect opportunity to declutter your belongings. Even if you decluttered before packing, take the time to assess each item as you unpack and decide whether it truly belongs in your new home. If a piece doesn’t bring you joy, hold a special memory or have a particular function in your home, the odds are it is serving no purpose being in your home. Give yourself the permission to let it go!  On the fence with some items? Set up a staging area and revisit this area after you've unpacked the essentials to make final decisions.

Tip 6: Label and Store Efficiently 

Proper labelling and storage can make a world of difference in maintaining an organised home. Clear labelling helps you find items quickly, while efficient storage keeps your space tidy and functional. I love a multifunctional storage item that not only looks great but can also serve a purpose. Storage solutions like bins, baskets, and drawer organisers to keep everything in its place.

Anyone that knows me will also know I love a label maker! Clear labels on all boxes and storage containers will save you time in finding things. Consider using transparent containers for easy visibility of contents.

Interior Design Tips
Tip 7: Choose a Colour Palette 
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Selecting a cohesive colour palette creates a harmonious and visually appealing home. Your colour choices can influence the mood and feel of each room and reflect your personality. You may start with base colours like whites, greys, and beiges or opt for more exciting colours. Using accessories, artwork, and textiles is a great way to add pops of colour to any backdrop. Sources like Pinterest and Houzz are fantastic for colour inspiration!
Tip 8: Mix Old and New 

People often say to me:

‘But I’m moving into a new build, everything needs to be modern.’ 

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I totally disagree. Blending old furniture and décor with new pieces creates a balanced and personalised look. It’s a great way to incorporate cherished items and add character while refreshing your space. Ensure that old and new pieces are balanced in terms of size, style, and colour. Use unique or sentimental pieces as focal points in your design to add character and tell your story. 

Tip 9: Incorporate Textures and Patterns 
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Textures and patterns add depth and interest to your interiors. Mixing different materials can create a rich and inviting atmosphere. Combine soft fabrics like throws and cushions with harder materials such as wood and metal to create a dynamic look. Introduce patterns through rugs, pillows, or wallpaper, and balance bold patterns with solid colours to avoid overwhelming the space. Layer different textures and patterns to add complexity and warmth.

Organising for Kids in a New Home
Tip 10: Create Kid-Friendly Zones 
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Moving with kids can be challenging. Designing their new space can be a fun project that helps them settle into their new environment. Designated areas in your home for your kids’ activities, play, and study keeps your home organised and ensures your children have spaces designed just for them. Finding the right storage solutions keeps toys organised and accessible. Choose storage options that are both functional and fun. Furniture that doubles as storage, like beds with drawers underneath or ottomans with hidden compartments are a great investment. IKEA  Kallax  and Trofast units are excellent for flexible storage, allowing kids to easily access and put away their own things.

Making Your Home Feel Like Home
Tip 11: Personalise Your Space 

One of the quickest ways to make your new house feel like home is to personalise it with items that reflect who you are. Start with the entryway, as it sets the tone for the entire home. Hang a favourite piece of art, place a welcoming mat, or add a unique piece of furniture that says, "This is us!"

Unpack and display personal items like family photos, artwork, and cherished mementos early on. These pieces bring warmth and familiarity, instantly making your new surroundings feel comfortable and inviting. Use temporary hooks or adhesive strips to hang pictures and decorations until you're ready for more permanent placement. 

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Congratulations on taking the steps to make your new property a true home! From setting the scene and breaking down spaces to stress-free organisation, interior design tips, and creating a kid-friendly environment, you now have a comprehensive guide to transform your space into a cosy, personalised haven. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember there are professional organisers out there to help. Use our member directory to find an APDO professional near you. 

May your new home be filled with love, laughter and many happy times! 

Julia at Orka Living is a Professional Organiser and Declutterer based in South Lanarkshire. She helps busy families simplify their lives through decluttering, organising and improving their productivity. Julia is passionate about helping families make the most of change and helping them to start their next chapter in a new home on the best foot. 


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